A little blog about my early days as a quilter...

Started to make it more fun being part of a virtual quilting bee... but we'll see if I've got more than one trick...

Saturday, September 18, 2010


I would love it if my Oh Beehave blocks could all have a little wonkiness in them.... but not TOO much.

Now, I've never really done this myself... so once again, the web has been my friend. By looking at a few tutorials and pictures of other quilts, I've tried to suss out this whole wonkiness concept, and figure out what makes good wonky (in my eyes) as opposed to bad wonky... (NB: the Ingrid Press inspiration quilts have perfect amount of wonkiness...)

Here are two tutorials that have some good ideas about how to 'do' wonky.

Tall grass prairie Wonky log cabins

Advice for wonky log cabins

Blempgorf explains things really clearly....

With all this analysis I've worked out that I like blocks where like most of the wonkiness comes from using strips (logs) of different sizes, making the squares offset (not centred).

These quilts from Tall Grass Prairie are great examples of this...

And  I definitely prefer "pivot cut" blocks rather than the angle cut ones... so a little pivoting but no sharp angles would be fantastic.... THANKS!!

Advice on making wonky quilt blocks: pivots versus angles

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